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Request introduction to a trusted Australian tax expert

Our free introduction service will connect you with a hand-picked Australian tax consultant that has the required qualifications and experience to assist people living in Australia and Australians living abroad.

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What expats say about our experts

As an expat who has been living outside the UK for 30 years, it was reassuring to speak to a representative of your company who seemed to have his clients interest at heart, especially when the client has no expertise in finances and investment.

Phil. C.

Pensions introduction in France

I don't normally recommend financial providers to anyone as it is so personal but if someone asked specifically for advice for Expats I would suggest they tried your website.

Liz S.

Investment Advice introduction in United Kingdom

I was very impressed with the speed and quality of the communication and the amount of information I got in a 30-min consultation. There was no undue pressure on me to buy anything, and it was nice to be able to talk to someone who understood both the UK and US markets. I think this would be an excellent service for anyone with substantial pension pots, is unsure about leaving their money where it is or to transfer it to where they now live, and is looking for either just advice and help with admin or wants a full service. 

Helen C.

Pension transfer introduction in United States

Just got me to the right person in the quickest possible time with the minimum of fuss and great follow-up.

Nicholas Y.

Canadian Financial Advice introduction in United Kindom

Very pleased with the introduction, whom I have now retained. I interviewed several prospects and they came out on top due to the crisp, concise answers they provide and the reasonableness of their fees.

Sylvia B.

Remittance Advice introduction in United States

The consultant was very helpful and I will definitely reach out when needed. Plus I would highly recommend to others.

Ella F.

FATCA introduction in United Kingdom

Great Service! I was worried that I would be opening myself up to endless marketing emails and calls. This was not the case at all. A thoroughly professional service.

Paul E.

US/UK dual tax matters introduction in United States

Quick and first consultation free without commitment in case you didn’t find it useful. Avoids having to search for experts online that you may/may not trust.

Leila G.

Double Tax Treaty introduction in Germany