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Partner Case Studies

Partner case study

Meet our partner Laura Sant from Carthy Accountants

Laura Sant is a Director at Carthy Accountants. They are a family firm based in Stafford, and Laura specialises in UK expatriate tax, UK tax residency and domicile.

Watch: Carthy Accountants Partner Case Study

Case study transcript

Hi Laura! How long have you been working with Experts for Expats, and what made you decide to work with them?

I’ve been working with Experts for Expats for the past 12 months (since summer 2019). I started with an expatriate tax niche but didn't know how to reach my target audience. I did an online search for local experts in my area, Experts for Expats came up top and I immediately saw the appeal. It’s great because you don't pay anything upfront, you only pay at the point that the client has paid you, so it removes any risk. 

How has working with Experts for Expats benefited your business?

The growth in the expat side of the business has really snowballed. Looking at the figures for the past 12 months, through a mixture of direct and indirect referrals, I believe Experts for Expats has brought in about £40,000 worth of business for us, with another £15,000 in the pipeline. We often have customers returning months later after those initial enquiries, and I'm being referred on to other network partners too, so I'm growing my global network.

What’s the best thing about being an Experts for Expats partner?

The sheer number of people I’m being introduced to, and the growth that I'm seeing in this side of the business. In the past 12 months I've had over 400 introductions, so you really do get a lot of bang for your buck! 

What’s the most surprising thing you’ve gained from being an Experts for Expats partner?

I’ve received referrals from other referral partners, and I’ve been surprised by the growth of my global network. It brings in referrals from other sources and puts me in a position to be able to provide the very best advice for my clients. Another unexpected bonus being quoted in the Huffington Post as an expert! That was an opportunity I didn't think I was going to get!

What words of advice would you offer to new partners to get the most out of their partnership with Experts for Expats?

I think the most important thing is to communicate, especially in those first few months. Treat it like a new relationship. You have to explain what it is that you're looking to get out of it and vice versa. 

From my personal experience, I have found that Rob is always willing to help if you could use a few more referrals, or if you’re suddenly very busy and need to get your workload down he will hold off on sending referrals for a while if you ask him to.

The other thing is to treat every referral as though they are a potential client, even though there will always be a few that are just after the free advice! But you never know if they're going to need further advice and be willing to pay for it in the future, or if they’ve had good service from you and might refer you on to other expats within their community.

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What expats say about our experts

This was a superb service. I had my tax query answered in a timely, efficient, professional manner and the tax expert now has a new client so win:win

Tracey M.

Statutory Residence Test introduction in Qatar

Great service that connects you to people who can help to cut through complicated issues.

Sandy D.

Pensions introduction in United States

There is lots of really useful information with real-life examples on the website. When you need specific advice from an expert the process is simple and very quick. My consultant dealt with my unusual situation well and it was reassuring to know that my tax return was being dealt with by an expert. Follow ups were done to ensure I was happy with the consultant. Everything was handled very professionally.

Rosie M.

UK Tax Return introduction in Botswana

The whole process has been conducted in a timely and professional manner. We feel that our recent issues with our taxes in Spain are being addressed and we are currently feeling optimistic of a satisfactory outcome.

John C.

Spanish Tax Planning introduction in Spain

The consultant was very helpful and I will definitely reach out when needed. Plus I would highly recommend to others.

Ella F.

FATCA introduction in United Kingdom

The service was very fast, efficient and high quality from start to end. The consultation was very helpful and there was no sales push.

David B.

UK Capital Gains Tax introduction in Luxembourg

I would just like to thank you very much for putting me in touch with a specialist in your network. He was an enormous help to me and seemed to have a good understanding of my situation and was able to address my questions very adeptly and very quickly. I spoke with him last week and it was really helpful, as was his follow-up email.

Patricia M.

Split year treatment, UK tax return introduction in Switzerland

Super quick and provided all the advice I needed - my experience completely exceeded my expectations. Particularly useful service when you’re an expat without all the contacts and understanding that you take for granted in your home country.

Rachel B.

UK Tax Return, Double tax relief claim, Inheritance tax and estate planning introduction in United Kingdom