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Experts for Expats has been featured in...

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Are you a British expat whose bank account is being closed due to Brexit? Here's what's happening and what you can do about it - Are you a British expat whose bank account is being closed due to Brexit? Here's what's happening and what you can do about it - click to see article
As a UK property seller living abroad am I liable for ‘sneaky stealth taxes’ such as CGT? - As a UK property seller living abroad am I liable for ‘sneaky stealth taxes’ such as CGT? - click to see article
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What expats say about our experts

Great to have someone like youselves to turn to for expat tax advice. Quick, efficient and to the point, it has helped me to very quickly determine where I stand and have a clear picture where I stand with my UK tax affairs, thanks!

Christo R.

Split Year Treatment introduction in Hong Kong

Super quick and provided all the advice I needed - my experience completely exceeded my expectations. Particularly useful service when you’re an expat without all the contacts and understanding that you take for granted in your home country.

Rachel B.

UK Tax Return, Double tax relief claim, Inheritance tax and estate planning introduction in United Kingdom

My issue is complex so a decision re filing is contingent upon consultation with HM taxes here in the UK. Your consultant was excellent .

Patricia W.

US/UK Tax introduction in United States

Excellent service and follow up. Would definitely recommend

James P.

Spanish Tax Planning introduction in United Arab Emirates

Quick efficient and friendly - answered my question re tax status for my dual US/UK National daughter

Liz H.

Tax introduction in United Kingdom

The consultant was very helpful and I will definitely reach out when needed. Plus I would highly recommend to others.

Ella F.

FATCA introduction in United Kingdom

Just got me to the right person in the quickest possible time with the minimum of fuss and great follow-up.

Nicholas Y.

Canadian Financial Advice introduction in United Kindom

Your service has been extremely helpful as an expat it isn’t always easy to know where to get the level of service needed for more complex situations. Thank you so much. 

Cathy O.

Wills introduction in United Kingdom