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Tax Tax

United Kingdom

UK Tax guides and information

Speak to a trusted UK and international tax specialist Speak to a trusted UK and international tax specialist

Speak to a trusted UK and international tax specialist

Our free introduction service will connect you with a hand-picked UK tax consultant that has the required qualifications and experience to assist non-residents with UK tax affairs.

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What expats say about our experts

I was shocked after years of traveling to come across such a professional organised group. There are no hard sells only professional advice, when I make my next move I will follow up with them.

Michael M.

Portuguese Non-Habitual Residence introduction in Singapore

Exceeded my expectations because of this I feel confident to use fee paying services. Thank you.

Matthew E.

Capital Gains Tax introduction in New Zealand

Just got me to the right person in the quickest possible time with the minimum of fuss and great follow-up.

Nicholas Y.

Canadian Financial Advice introduction in United Kindom

Although my personal situation and circumstances are a bit complicated Alan was very professional and took the time to understand the various issues and concerns. He's come back with some things for me to consider after which I'll make some decisions about how to proceed.

Gordon. H

Pensions, SIPP introduction in Canada

The consultant was exceptional, very comprehensive and clear.

Richard B.

Pensions introduction in Canada

I was a bit skeptical, but everything was exactly as advertised, and the initial free consultation was excellent: the consultant evidently knew his stuff, and provided clear and comprehensive advice. I wouldn't hesitate to use Experts for Expats and the consultant again. 

Peter C.

UK Tax introduction in Morocco

Great Service! I was worried that I would be opening myself up to endless marketing emails and calls. This was not the case at all. A thoroughly professional service.

Paul E.

US/UK dual tax matters introduction in United States

I would just like to say a great big thank you for putting me in touch with Laurence, he has sorted out my issues efficiently and with better results than I had hoped for.

I am so glad to have found Experts for Expats, and shall be recommending your services.

Fiona G.

UK Tax Return, Capital Gains Tax introduction in South Africa